QAMAR MAZMOON is the original fourth Diwan and hand written manuscript of the king which comprises of Hamd, Naat, Noha, Salaam, Elegy, Couplets, Ghazals and which also comprises of personal anecdotes. The year 1859 in the english calendar is the manuscripts equivalent year from the Hijri calendar 1276H.
Dr. Kaukab came across the above manuscript during his decades of research on his great grandfather, starting early 1960's.
AKHTAR in the couplet is the nom de plume of Wajid Ali Shah AKHTAR
KAUKAB in the couplet is a nom de plume of Wajid Ali Shah's THIRD eldest, heir apparent son "Hamid Ali Khan KAUKAB"
BIRJEES in the couplet is his FOURTH eldest son "BIRJIS QADR"
The king categorically specifies who his FARZAND or successors are.
Was it divinely ordained that three of Birjis Qadr's progeny find a part of their name in the couplet of the poet king.
1. MEHER quder zahid ali mirza
2. anjum quder ROSHAN ali meerza
3. KAUKAB quder sajjad ali meerza
Amaresh Misra, who had not met Dr. Kaukab, writes in his book :-
" A descendant of Birjis Qadr sits in Aligarh still collecting rare material which, if researched upon, has the potential of exploding the stereotypes about his family. "
LUCKNOW : Fire of Grace - 1998
In the world of Urdu Literature and research, he was the author of three award winning books from the Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy.
1. Intekhab-e Wajid Ali Shah - 1984
(Selected writings of Wajid Ali Shah) Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy, Lucknow
2. Wajid Ali Shah ki Adabi aur Saqafati Khidmat - 1995 (The Literary & Cultural contribution of Wajid Ali Shah) Taraqqi Urdu Bureau, New Delhi
3. Iqleem-e Sukhan ke Tajdar - 2004
(King's of the Literary World) Naoroze Publication, Calcutta
The first book is a U.P. Government publication, the second was by an urdu literary organization while the third was his private publication called the Naoroze Publication which he founded in Aligarh at the time of The Baulk Line and after his retirement shifted it to his ancestral home in Calcutta.
Intizar Hussain, acclaimed as the final authority in Urdu literature worldwide, in his critical review of the third book, writes in the article "Farewell to Lucknow" as follows :-
"Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was fortunate at least in one way; from among his descendants arose one soul, who with his ability to do research dug out facts and came out as the defender of the honour of his much maligned great grandfather." Dawn, Karachi, March 29th 2009 |
Achievement in Urdu academics aside, the Dr. Prince from a very young age had a passion for Billiard & Snooker and it is was his scholarly leaning that made him in the early 1980's bring out in english, an international standard billiard and snooker magazine called THE BAULK LINE from a remote U.P. town called Aligarh, where he had temporarily settled for his call of duty in the A.M.U. It was a popular magazine in the Billiard & Snooker fraternity. He was not only the Editor but also a Reporter, Journalist, Photographer, Designer, Composer, Distributor and a Publisher. All rolled in one, 'A master of all trade', apart from holding important posts in the games associations both at the national and state level.
Given below is a snapshot of the cover of a famous issue and an extract from the editorial page.